True Sitters is always looking for experienced, hard working sitters.

Why work for True Sitters?

  • Accept jobs when you want

  • No monthly fees

  • Our app handles all the logistics, so you can focus on babysitting

  • Get paid via direct deposit

  • Keep 100% of tips

Here are our requirements for sitters.


CPR Certified

18 years or older

Clean Background

Valid Driver’s License Preferred

Safe Driving Record

Three References

Baby / pet sitting experience

*Not CPR certified? No worries! We will help you get certified.


Our Employment Process




Interested in a job at True Sitters? Yay! You can apply via the “Apply” button below. Fill out all fields on the form, and email your resume + cover letter to us at




If we like what we see in your resume, application, and references, we will invite you for an interview.


Background Checks.




If your interview goes well, we will move you on to the next step of background checks. We will run several checks on each potential employee, including but not limited to, background check, driving record check, National Sex Offender Registry, etc. We do require a $50 fee to run these checks. If these come back clean, we will extend you an invitation of employment. YAY!


Once hired, we will set an a training session. During this training, you will be trained on expectations, procedures, and how to use our software. If not already CPR certified, we will get that set up as well.