Providing families in Central Texas with verified, trusted sitters.
How does it work?
Sign up for a True Sitters membership!
Our membership provides you with access to your database of carefully selected, verified sitters! We carefully look over each family’s information to ensure they will provide a safe environment for our sitters.
Create your account & request for a sitter
Need a sitter for next Saturday evening? Say no more! We give you detailed instructions on how to create job requests that are sent directly to our sitters.
A sitter accepts your job request
Once your request is submitted, it is sent directly to the most qualified (or your favorited) sitters for your specific job! Jobs can be accepted in as little as one minute. How cool!
Sitter arrives for the job
Since you put all the information your sitter needs to know in your account and job details, your sitter arrives informed and ready to play!
Choose your starting point
Explore membership options
Monthly Membership
Monthly on-demand access to our trusted, extensively interviewed and verified sitters.
Annual Membership
$495/yr — Get 1 month free
Annual on-demand access to our trusted, extensively interviewed and verified sitters.